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Online: Mr. Ye, you are a Hakka family in Meizhou, and the traditional culture is profound. The power of culture can transcend everything. Successful companies focus on brand image, cultural construction, and core competitiveness. Excuse me, how do you position and understand Changchen Culture? I heard that you personally summed up the "five filial piety"?

Mr. Ye: I understand Changchen culture as the result culture, training culture, belief culture, value culture, and platform culture. In the future, to form the structure of a large company and leverage the resources integration advantages of each company, corporate culture is the best booster and lubricant.

The Changchen Department has its own cultural communication department. This department is responsible for Changchen's internal training. The training content is concentrated on professional skills, 7S, six advanced, life orientation, belief belief and so on. I personally continue to study. This year I studied Buddhist scriptures at night, starting with the "Sixth Temple of the Altar", and learning traditional culture in the morning, starting with the reading of the "University".

For many years, Changchen Industry has always adhered to: professional, honest, practical, innovative, and extremely business philosophy; in terms of values, Changchen has always emphasized: gratitude and respect, respect first, quality first. We have always dreamed: a group of people together to create a happy, rich, and loving world for the people around them, adults to achieve themselves. We have always believed in: grasping the present, living with the heart is practice. When you are alive, you will live earnestly, practice your life for the rest of your life, enjoy the right way to work, and live a perfect life.

As for the "five filial piety", this is also summarized from the network. They are listening to filial piety, emotional filial piety, diligence and filial piety, accepting filial piety, sharing filial piety. Whether it is the Changchen culture or the "five filial piety", it is telling us to awaken the faith and not forget the original heart.

Online: Mr. Ye, how do you deploy and drive the brand dream of 2017 Changchen Industry?

Mr. Ye: In 2017, I feel that everything needs more effort and focus on brand customization. The core strategic plan is to automate transformation, intelligent black technology, create personalized custom products, and entity + internet finance.

In 2017, the tactical level is to be in harmony with the society, promote brand development, and help the world brand; as a company, it closely focuses on national policies and party leadership to create value for society.

The layout of the campaign is also the year of capital integration and platform operation; since 2017, open source, openness, embrace change, and alliance collaboration are the possibilities.

As a company in order to live longer in the future, before the battle, we must first achieve cost control and value generation, first to ensure that the team's heart can not be impetuous. Compared with development, what we need more is to save the soul. It is to focus on cultivating the righteous thoughts, righteousness and positive energy of all colleagues. Maybe what we are doing now can't see the result, but insisting on doing it is like bamboo. It is constantly rooted in the soil and can finally become a prosperous state.

Online: Mr. Ye, you have been focusing on brand customization, whether it is the surface treatment processing brand of the hardware industry - Changchen Industry, or the car boutique brand - Changyi LONG ONE, these are the brand dreams that you have adhered to for so many years. In addition to the brand dream, you still have a Chinese dream, can you share it?

Mr. Ye: In March 2015, we registered and established a car boutique brand - Changyi LONG ONE. At the beginning of 2016, after the test of the product "360 Creative Smart Stand" entered the market, the response was very good, and the demand for brand customization continued.

Now, LONG ONE is committed to high-end personalized customization, adhering to the tenet of “Technology drives innovation, brand leads the trend, products integrate into life, and quality is based on the world”. Based on the positioning of “Perfect Car ~ Long-term LONG ONE”, it is rooted in our In the motherland, in the spirit of craftsmen, we must carefully cast the first brand of Chinese religious culture, pass on positive energy, and inherit Chinese civilization. This is mine, and it is the "Chinese dream" of our long-term family.

Dongguan Changchen Industrial Co., Ltd

Perfect for metal surface treatment

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Contact: Mr. Ye
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Tel: +86-769-89789691 / 89789693
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E-mail: [email protected]
Copyright: Dongguan Changchen Industrial Co., Ltd


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